Sunday, February 26, 2006

What am I..catnip?

I was hanging out at my sister's place. I dosed off on her couch, having a nice dream.

It was very quiet. Then I felt a weight on my stomach and then a very light weight on my chest. I'm like what the hell? Not sure why, but I lifted my head slightly and opened my eyes.

Staring at me is my sis's cat. He then headbutts me and I'm like "what the fuck?" He meows and starts rubbing his head against my neck, purring. So, I start rubbing the back of his head and he's rubbing harder against me. More purring. Ok, that is enough you crazy cat!

He stops and then lays on all fours. Puts his head on my chest and we both dose off to... la la land.

This is kind of like having sex or foreplay. "LOL"


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