Monday, June 05, 2006

How warm is warm and how hot is hot?

Let's just say:

WARM enough to walk around in a tank top and panty around the house. Feeling a slight breeze in the air. A few clouds shielding the sun's ray.

Now..HOT! Lying on cold bed sheets against your bareskin. Don't want to do anything but stay cool. Take an ice cube, rub it on the back of your neck and making it's way to the warm spots. Feeling the coldness and cube melting from the body heat.


At 9:17 PM, Blogger Cheri said...

Aah! Reminds me of a hot day I had in Central Park. But add an ice cube--no you certainly can use your imagination there!!

Why do I think the neck is just the start for you this hot season! You go girl!!


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