Monday, November 20, 2006

My quest for a lover

There are bunch of candidates to fill this quest some are hopeful and others aren't. Was my first affair with Tigg, my last? Or could it be that date from hell with JC caused me to rethink things. NOT! I keep thinking, Tigg was my first and most likely my last. Yes, I am frustrated!!

A few of the men I am interested in are in the east coast. The ones that are local, just like playing games. With the exception of Computer Geek and Sugar Bear.

I'm feeling under the weather..not now! Thank goodness it's a short week. I'm suppose to me someone this Friday but I may chicken out and cancel. Hahahaha

Maybe when I least expect it, I will meet him. Or I have met him but don't even know it.


At 1:17 PM, Blogger Percy said...

Chicken out...
you turkey!

At 1:44 PM, Blogger scarlett said...

Gooble..gooble!!! =0)


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