Sunday, January 07, 2007

Was it the dog?

I went to visit my aunt and she has this golden retriever. He's about 5 years old. Before I went to visit her, I stopped and got some coffee. So I decided to take him for a walk.

There's this little area with shops and people walking their dogs. He got so excited. We took a little break and I sat where there were benches and tables.

This guy walks by. He notices me but sees the dog. Now the dog is friendly, the guy walks up and starts petting him and talking to me. We exchanged brief conversation. As I rubbed the dog's neck and ears, the guy saw my wedding band. He kept petting the dog and the dog was enjoying it. He smiles at me and says "have a great day " and I wished him the same. Before he walked away, gave me one more glance, smiled and waved bye. Damn he was cute.

I realized as I looked at my reflection in the window. Holy shit! I have no make-up. My hair is just straight and I look like a mess. LOL

Then I am walking the dog across a busy intersection. Two guys in a car notice me or the dog? And they are watching us as we walk by. I'm walking through the park. A bunch of guys are just hanging out. A jogger runs by and one of them starts whistling. Of course she has earphones on and can't hear them. Then they see me and the dog. Of course the dog sees another dog and starts pulling. I am not paying attention to the guys.

That pretty much was my Sunday morning.


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