Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Yes, take me away..

A conversation with him is anything
But ordinary or ever boring
Starts off with the usual exchanges of hi/hello
How are you? How's the sex life?
He doesn't waste time when it comes to sex
A thing we crave and desire
Just the mention of it, makes her smile
She knows he wants her
He begins to play out a scenario
In his mind, putting those thoughts
Using the right words
For her to put in her imagination
She adds in a few thoughts
Of her own and he plays the scenario
In his mind as well
Both enticing each other
Waking up certain areas
For him a hard-on and for her, the muscles tensing
Between her legs and her wetness
Neither can really do anything at that moment
So they excuse themselves
Taking matters into their own hands
Behind closed doors


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