Sunday, October 28, 2007

Me and my naughty thoughts

I couldn't stop smiling and holding my giggle as some thing crossed my mind. Of course when you chat with someone new, they ask "location?" Raising one eyebrow..
Here are my answers to that:
1. Between my legs
2. From behind
3. Washer/dryer, while it's on
4. In the shower
5. The couch
6. In an office
Ooooh? He meant what state? LOL
Could you imagine the responses I would get?!?!


At 8:11 PM, Blogger Percy said...

washer/dryer while on....
have yet to experience that possibility!


At 9:28 PM, Blogger scarlett said...

Me too..I have yet to experience that. Shall we try it together?? ;)

At 7:30 AM, Blogger Percy said...

your dryer or mine?

I will tell you, mine sometimes hops a little, when you put in too many wet clothes.. or should I say, it vibrates! ;-)

At 9:19 AM, Blogger scarlett said...

Well..mine is a combo of washer/dryer and it's in a bit of tiny quarters.

Yours sounds more like fun! Meet you over there..;)


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