I sense a disturbance in the force
The men in my department are behaving differently. Could it be the water? Or something in the air?
They seem to be attentive lately and very helpful. Rarely do they come by my cubicle to talk but it's been happening recently.
The way they look at me, makes me a bit uncomfortable. I noticed that they blush some times when I talk to them. Especially Seth. He is a very quiet and shy guy. One time we were searching for something and he was sitting across from me. This was the first time we actually had a conversation. Aaron comes by and starts messing with him and playfully flirts with me. I would look away and then I catch them smiling at me.
I know for a fact that a few of the guys in my department have slept with someone from the office or from our department.
I have no intentions (but I do fantasize "wink") of sleeping with anyone I work with.
I think they are on to you.
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