Tuesday, July 04, 2006

My ideal secret lover

Cheri had a post titled "Plain and Simple - What I Want in a Secret Lover." Here's mine.

Great sex plays a part in this but it begins with what makes a man. His emotions, attitude and personality.

You have to be able to make laugh and smile. Bring that sparkle in my eyes and tears as well when I laugh too hard.

Broad shoulders and strong arms to wrap around me, making me feel safe. Bring me close as you hug me, with one hand resting firmly on my back bringing me even closer. Chest to chest.

Gentle touch and caress. The back of your hand brushing softly against my cheek. Both your hands holding my face as we look into eachother's eyes and me giving a soft quick kiss on your palm. Brushing my hair away from my face and leaning close for a kiss. Rubbing my neck gently, enjoying your touch. Soft short kiss on the neck is a turn on for me.

Thoughtfulness, being concern about me. Asking how my day is going. Comforting me when I am sad. Just listening and making some time for me.

Now for the intimacy....Two people who have lacked the sex that they have so much desired. Each pleasuring the other and giving in to pure ecstasy. He touching me in places that I couldn't imagine my body can feel again. Me kissing him like he's never been kissed before. Having to want, hunger, fantasize, yearn for another. Being in a private/secret fantasy world, where it's just the two of us. Experiencing the moment and doing things to eachother as it happens. Bodies becoming one, feeling the andrenaline, passion and heat. Having the connection and chemistry and multiple orgasms. Catching our breathes after and holding eachother. My head resting on his chest, hearing his heart beat. One leg over him. Reality kicks in and it's back to our other world. We kiss, we hug and until we meet again.


At 12:12 PM, Blogger Percy said...

goes both ways. I would be looking for a woman who meets those basic ideals(not the broad shoulders part) I will have to come up with a What I want in a Secret Lover of my own... nice idea.

At 12:50 PM, Blogger freethoughtguy said...

Ditto. These are "human universals" missing only a particular fetish or two.

At 12:52 PM, Blogger scarlett said...

percy - We have Cheri to thank for giving me the idea to create my description.

At 9:30 PM, Blogger Cheri said...

Hey! Glad I could be of service. Now to find the perfect secret lover! the search continues!!
You go girl!!


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