Bounced back from "hell date"
I signed up on one of those websites that Cheri belongs to. Mum's the word for now which one. Immediately I get some responses. So far, I am conversing with 2 guys via email. "M" and Computer Geek.
"M" seems to be looking for the same thing that I am looking for in a lover. Great sense of humor and his emails don't focus on the sexual level. Basic questions; type of music, likes and dislikes, what made you decide to have an affair and describe yourself. He seems to want to save those sex questions when we both decide to meet in person and take it a bit further. I think that is a great idea. Oh gawd...meeting in person, after my last fiasco, I'm not sure I can do it.
"Computer Geek" was the first guy to email me and he enclosed his pictures. He's 31 and he is waving in the picture. Not bad looking but looks aren't everything to me. I don't think I am all that myself. He does have a nice sense of humor. Yesterday he emails me from home, saying he is going to a coffee shop to do some work. With the cold weather a cup of cappucino sounds good. I'm more of a caramel macchiato drinker. He's like "I've never had that, maybe I will give it a try." Later that day, he emails me and says he tried it but he prefers his cappucino. I wrote back "well thanks for the review." He responds "it's nice to try something new every now and then." Few minutes later he sends me a pic from his laptop web cam and he writes this is me trying to do some work Hah! and I am saying yo!" This guy makes me laugh. Definitely a friendship thing going between us.
To sum it up. I know how they look. "M" is a hottie. He sends his pic and says I understand if you don't find me attractive and walk away feeling all bummed out and hurt that you don't want to have anything to do with me. Too bad he didn't have violins playing in the background. LOL When I saw how he look I'm like "no way is this guy going to be interested in me, looking like this!" Yes, I sent my pic and he's like "wow, are those lips as kissable in person?" I have no comment. "wink"
All is well in ScarlettLand. I'm not rushing things and just taking each day as it cums, I mean comes.
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