Friday, April 21, 2006

Touching the "kitty"

Yes my mind is wandering in the sexual abyss. I’ve had my experience with the “fingering technique” by different partners. There are the ones that know how to satisfy and then there are some that make me want say “what the fuck?”
Here’s what I have to say:
1. Are you rubbing to remove a spot?
2. Rubbing fast and quick isn’t going to make me cum any quicker.
3. Stop rubbing fast, are you trying to start a fire like when you rub two stones together.
4. Am I a lottery ticket?

Sorry, I have no idea why this just popped in my mind. Ho hum.


At 2:48 PM, Blogger scarlett said...

I usually do. =0)

At 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


My experience is that it depends on the woman.

All the books say you should be very very subtle when you move past the other areas and begin to settle onto the clit. You should think of yourself as a butterfly, with little butterfly feet and a gentle, flicking butterfly tongue.

However, my honey tells me this does not count. It gets her no where. In fact, it does not even count as foreplay! She demands that I rub fast, like I"m trying to start a fire by rubbing two sticks together.

Needless to say I was totally deflated to think that all my subtle work, doing everything just right, for 10, 15 or 20 minutes, was all wasted. However, I am a good listener. And a quick learner (grin!).

I think the secret is good communication. You cannot rely on luck, you cannot rely on hoping that what you do to your lover will, by happenstance, be what she likes. She's gottal communicate, and I've gotta be alert and listening! So, as Stretch said, definitely communicate how its done if your lover does not get it right the first time!

Marathoner55, Chicago

At 7:50 PM, Blogger scarlett said...

After that bad experience, I let the guy know what I want. As he is doing it. Practice makes perfect! =0)

At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


One does not start a fire by rubbing two stones together.

One rubs two sticks together to start a fire.

Stones do not burn. (Usually.)

- Marathoner55, Chicago

At 8:59 AM, Blogger scarlett said...

Thanks for the info. ;)

At 10:04 AM, Blogger Cheri said...

You crack me up! Thanks for the laugh crazy girl!!

At 11:33 AM, Blogger scarlett said...

LOL, this is a side that not too many people see.


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