Friday, October 06, 2006

Too much going on

I did my jog but this time it was cut a bit short. It started to rain. Here I am in a t-shirt and shorts. I wore the wrong bra, didn't wear my sports one. My straps kept falling to the side and I had to adjust. At the same time, my ear phones kept slipping off. I'm jogging and adjusting and I didn't pay attention to the street. Part of the side walk was unleveled and instead of tripping, I did this weird skip/bunny hop move.

It dawned on me and I started to smile and hoping that no one saw me do that silly move. Finally got myself in tact and continued with my jog. Ponytail bobbing side to side.


At 5:51 AM, Blogger Supercock said...

Mmmm pony tailed joggers...delicious!


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